Navalny added to registry of terrorists and extremists — Financial Monitoring Service

Russian Politics & Diplomacy January 25, 2022, 14:15

Liliya Chanysheva, Ruslan Shaveddinov, Pavel Zelensky and others are among Navalny’s supporters who were added to the list

MOSCOW, January 25./TASS/. Russia’s Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring) has added Alexey Navalny and 21 more people to the registry of extremists and terrorists, the agency’s website reported on Tuesday.

Liliya Chanysheva, Ruslan Shaveddinov, Pavel Zelensky and others are among Navalny’s supporters who were added to the list. Criminal proceedings were instituted against many of them over their participation in the activity of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (recognized as a foreign agent and an extremist organization).

In mid-January, Rosfinmonitoring put the former director and staffer of the Anti-Corruption Foundation Ivan Zhdanov and Leonid Volkov on the list of the organizations and individuals in respect of whom there is data about their involvement in extremist activity or terrorism.

Earlier, the Russian Investigative Committee launched a criminal case against blogger Alexey Navalny charged with creating and participating in an extremist group. Volkov, Zhdanov, Lyubov Sobol, Georgy Alburov, Shaveddinov, Vyacheslav Gimadi and Kseniya Fadeyeva are also defendants in the case.

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