Embassy slams US senator’s remark on use of nuclear arms against Russia as irresponsible

Russian Politics & Diplomacy December 09, 2021, 8:13

The embassy advised "all the unenlightened to read the joint statement of the Presidents of Russia and the United States of June 16, 2021 thoroughly"

WASHINGTON, December 9. /TASS/. US Senator Roger Wicker’s statements about possible use of nuclear weapons against Russia in case of aggravation of the situation around Ukraine are irresponsible, the Russian embassy to the United States said on Thursday.

"We drew attention to the remarks of Republican Senator Roger Wicker made on December 7 on air of Fox News TV channel. Commenting on the situation with the internal Ukrainian crisis, the legislator recommended the US President to keep on the table the possibility of a military action, including the preventive use of nuclear weapons against Russia in case of an escalation," it wrote on its Facebook account. "Such statements are irresponsible. <…> Joking with nuclear weapons is not appropriate for an American politician working at the U.S. legislative body."

"It is noteworthy that the state of Mississippi, which is represented by the legislator, hosts the offices of Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Atomics, etc. This raises questions," the embassy noted. "Whose interests does the senator promote when calling for war - the Ukrainians or the U.S. military industry? How is it possible to place lucrative interests of weapons production above peoples’ aspirations to protect themselves from the threat of a nuclear missile war?"

The embassy advised "all the unenlightened to read the joint statement of the Presidents of Russia and the United States of June 16, 2021 thoroughly." "This document reaffirms the two countries’ commitment to the principle that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought," it emphasized.

The embassy recalled that during their video call on December 7, Russian and US Presidents, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, "outlined framework for the possible reduction of tensions."

"Serious, professional and thoughtful work lies ahead to agree on long-term security guarantees. Such a dialogue requires calmness and demonstration of readiness to compromise. Wicker's ill-considered statements will hardly help us to find a way out of the critical stage in current Russian-American relations.," it added.

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