Condition of Russian-US relations reminiscent of Augean stables — Kremlin spokesman

Russian Politics & Diplomacy December 06, 2021, 19:04

Dmitry Peskov pointed out that it was very hard to expect the talks would produce any breakthroughs

MOSCOW, December 6. /TASS/. So many unresolved issues have been accumulated in Russian-US relations, that several hours of talks will be hardly enough for cleaning up these "Augean stables," Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Russia’s TV Channel One in an interview.

"It is very hard to expect the talks will produce any breakthroughs. The Augean stables in our bilateral relations can hardly be cleaned out over several hours of negotiations," Peskov said while previewing a forthcoming conversation between the Russian and US presidents.

The Kremlin official said, "it is to be hoped that the two leaders will manage to express each other’s concerns, to clearly formulate these concerns, and to make a reply".

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