Russian Foreign Ministry sees closer ties with US on cyberspace issues

Russian Politics & Diplomacy November 10, 2021, 18:51

Maria Zakharova referred to the draft Russian-US resolution on the rules of behavior in cyberspace adopted recently by the United Nations General Assembly First Committee

MOSCOW, November 10. /TASS/. Moscow believes that Russia and the US are coming closer together in cyberspace cooperation after a UN committee passed their joint draft resolution on the matter, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a news conference on Wednesday.

She referred to the draft Russian-US resolution on the rules of behavior in cyberspace adopted recently by the United Nations General Assembly First Committee.

"No doubt, the decision to work with the US on a common text of the resolution is an unusual political move for us, given the general context of bilateral relations,’’ she said. ‘’It can be stated that we are registering a steady rapprochement between Russia and the US in terms of the prospects for building further cooperation in the field of international information security.’’

A balanced and unbiased document was produced on the basis of the original Russian text, the diplomat said. The document states that communications technologies should be used for peaceful purposes, discourages their malicious use and calls for the prevention of conflicts in the information space, she said.

Most UN member states welcomed the flexibility displayed by the US and Russia as a sign that Moscow and Washington can agree on some issues, she said.

United Nations General Assembly First Committee on November 3 adopted without voting a draft Russian-US resolution on the rules of behavior in cyberspace. The document will next be considered by the General Assembly in December.

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