Europe departs from its ideals in situation on Belarusian-Polish border, Kremlin says

Russian Politics & Diplomacy November 10, 2021, 13:52

Dmitry Peskov emphasized that the European colleagues "demonstrated this adherence with regards to various countries, refugees from different countries, speaking of supreme humanitarian ideals"

MOSCOW, November 10. /TASS/. A humanitarian catastrophe is looming over the Polish-Belarusian border while Europe departs from its declared ideals in this situation, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

"The situation is indeed highly tense, a trend [is observed] of increasing tension which can only concern us. A looming humanitarian catastrophe is evident against the background of the unwillingness of our European colleagues to demonstrate the adherence to their European values," the Kremlin official told journalists on Wednesday commenting on the unfolding situation.

He also emphasized that the European colleagues "demonstrated this adherence with regards to various countries, refugees from different countries, speaking of supreme humanitarian ideals." "This time, there is no such desire," he stated.

At the same time, the spokesman noted that the most important thing in this highly tense situation is the fate of several thousand helpless people. "We are indeed worried over this," he stressed.

The migrant crisis on the Belarusian border with Latvia, Lithuania and Poland where the migrants have been flocking since the beginning of the year, sharply aggravated on November 8. Several thousand people approached the Polish border from Belarus and are not leaving the area. Some of them attempted to enter Poland by destroying a barbed-wire fence. EU countries accuse Minsk of the intentional escalation of the crisis and call for sanctions. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko stated that the Western countries themselves were to blame in this situation since people were fleeing the war because of their actions.

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