Diplomat dubs as dictatorship of liberalism developments around LGBT rights in the West

Russian Politics & Diplomacy July 16, 2021, 0:01

All that is going on now in the so-called collective West in regard to these issues, looks not like the freedom of thought or the freedom of expression, but like a classical dictatorship, Maria Zakharova noted

MOSCOW, July 15./TASS/. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has dubbed as a classical dictatorship of liberalism the things happening in Western countries in regard to the LGBT issue.

"This is just the beginning, the start of the destruction of the family as an institution," the diplomat told Channel One television in comments on the recent decision by the European Court of Human Rights after Russia’s refusal to register the marriage of same-sex couples.

"Things will be much worse further on, the way it started with the gender issue. It started with one, two or three gender types, so to say, and now there are 80 of them in certain countries," she noted. "All that is going on now in the so-called collective West in regard to these issues, looks not like the freedom of thought or the freedom of expression, but like a classical dictatorship, a dictatorship of liberalism at its finest," she summed up.

Earlier, the ECHR recognized the refusal to marry three same-sex couples as a violation of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights on the right to respect for private and family life. The court says that Russia has an obligation to comply with the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Meanwhile, according to a new provision of Article 79 of the Russian Constitution, decisions of interstate agencies passed based on the provisions of international treaties of the Russian Federation in the reading that contradicts the constitution, must not be enforced in Russia. Amendments to the Constitution passed in 2020, included the provision on the protection "of the institution of marriage as the union of a man and a woman".

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