West rejects Russia’s proposals to condemn demolition of WWII monuments in Europe - Lavrov

Russian Politics & Diplomacy June 28, 2021, 5:10

Russian Foreign Minister added, that they "also want to condemn to oblivion momentous post-war developments"

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. Western countries refuse to support Russia-sponsored UN resolution against glorifying Nazism, and reject Russia’s proposals to condemn the demolition of monuments to those who liberated Europe, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov wrote in his article published in Kommersant and Russia in Global Affairs on Monday.

"Efforts to replace international law by Western ‘rules’ include an immanently dangerous policy of revising the history and outcomes of the Second World War and the Nuremberg trials verdicts as the foundation of today’s world order. The West refuses to support a Russia-sponsored UN resolution proclaiming that glorifying Nazism is unacceptable, and rejects our proposals to discuss the demolition of monuments to those who liberated Europe," Lavrov said.

He added, "They also want to condemn to oblivion momentous post-war developments, such as the 1960 UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, initiated by our country. The former colonial powers seek to efface this memory by replacing it with hastily concocted rituals like taking a knee ahead of sports competitions, in order to divert attention from their historical responsibility for colonial-era crimes".

According to him, "the rules-based order is the embodiment of double standards". "The former colonial powers seek to efface this memory by replacing it with hastily concocted rituals like taking a knee ahead of sports competitions, in order to divert attention from their historical responsibility for colonial-era crimes," he wrote.

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