Decision on Putin’s participation in climate summit not yet taken - Kremlin spokesman

Russian Politics & Diplomacy April 18, 2021, 18:09

The United States plans to organize an international summit on climate change on April 22-23 and has invited 40 world leaders

MOSCOW, April 18. /TASS/. /TASS/. A decision about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s participation in an online climate summit due on April 22-23 will be taken after analyzing how it would be organized and who would chair it, Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Sunday.

"We will first analyze information about how it (the summit - TASS) will be organized, who will address it and when, what will be its outcome and who will chair it," he said in an interview with the Moscow.Kremlin.Putin program on the Rossiya-1 television channel.

He noted with regret that the Kremlin had begun to receive answers to these questions "only in the recent days." "We need to analyze them thoroughly before taking a decision about the president’s participation," he stressed.

The United States plans to organize an international summit on climate change on April 22-23 and has invited 40 world leaders. The summit is expected to focus on the consolidation of efforts to reduce armful emissions. US President Joe Biden earlier conveyed an invitation to Putin and confirmed it during a telephone conversation with the Russian leader on Apruil 13.

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