Germany conceals details of Navalny incident even from its allies, says Zakharova

Russian Politics & Diplomacy February 18, 2021, 18:39

Zakharova stressed that Berlin, as before, "shows no intention to give an answer to most key questions regarding the affair"

MOSCOW, February 18. /TASS/. Germany continues to mislead the world public and refuses to share information concerning the incident with Russian blogger Alexey Navalny even with its allies, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a news briefing on Thursday.

"We are urging Berlin once again to stop misleading the world public," she said. "Germany continues to persistently and flagrantly conceal the real circumstances of what happened to Navalny and the details of his presence in its territory not only from our country, but from its own legislators. Berlin refuses to share the details of what happened even with its own allies. Certainly, this breeds doubts in this context regarding the sincerity of Germany’s professed humanitarian motives they keep talking about non-stop."

Zakharova stressed that Berlin, as before, "shows no intention to give an answer to most key questions regarding the affair."

"There is absolutely no proof to back up the charges that were put forward. There are no concrete conclusions regarding the forensic examinations and many other things that are crucial to understanding what happened there. Queries from the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office are ignored. No substantive and exhaustive answers are given," Zakharova said. "We will keep urging the German authorities to clear up the most important details of the described incident further on.".

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