Putin stresses importance of ceasefire in Libya during phone call with Erdogan — Kremlin

Russian Politics & Diplomacy June 10, 2020, 18:25

The Russian and Turkish presidents also discussed current challenges in fighting coronavirus and underlined the importance of gradual restoration of bilateral ties after restrictions imposed due to the pandemic are lifted, according to the Kremlin press service

MOSCOW, June 10. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has stressed the importance of the soonest ceasefire in Libya during a phone call with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Kremlin’s press service informed on Wednesday.

"During the substantive discussion of the situation in Libya, [the leaders] expressed a mutual concern over the mass armed clashes ongoing in the country that have caused numerous victims and significant damage. Vladimir Putin has stressed the importance of the soonest ceasefire and the renewal of inter-Libyan dialogue based on the decisions of the Berlin International Conference of January 19 approved by Resolution 2510 of the UN Security Council, as well as other initiatives aimed at the political-diplomatic conflict regulation," the message informs.

Ceasefire in Idlib

The presidents of Russia and Turkey, Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, emphasized the importance of bolstering efforts towards compliance with bilateral agreements on a ceasefire in Syria’s Idlib, the Kremlin press service reports after a telephone conversation of the two presidents on Wednesday.

Putin and Erdogan "touched upon the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic. An emphasis was put on a need to boost efforts towards the implementation of the Russian-Turkish agreements on the Idlib de-escalation zone, including the Additional Protocol to the Sochi Memorandum of September 17, 2018," the press service said.

"Control over compliance with the ceasefire and neutralization of the terrorist groups operating in Idlib is among the priority joint tasks," it stressed.

Revival of ties with Turkey

Russian and Turkish Presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan also discussed current challenges in fighting coronavirus and underlined the importance of gradual restoration of bilateral ties after restrictions imposed due to the pandemic are lifted, the Kremlin press service noted.

"The heads of state exchanged congratulations on the occasion of the centenary of the Russian-Turkish relations (June 3, 1920). Mutual commitment to further develop beneficial partnership was reiterated. Current aspects of the fight against the coronavirus infection were touched upon. The importance of gradual full revival of bilateral trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties was underlined as restrictions are lifted," the statement runs.

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