Putin instructs authorities to ensure supply of all necessary means to battle coronavirus

Russian Politics & Diplomacy March 23, 2020, 14:26

Putin said that at a meeting with Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov

MOSCOW, March 23. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin demanded that production of all materials citizens and specialists need to battle the spread of coronavirus be boosted.

"I very much hope that you, your colleagues, and industry representatives <...> will do everything necessary to supply all the necessary materials, devices, medical equipment to citizens who need it, and our special services, units working directly with risk groups," Putin said at a meeting with Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov.

According to the head of state, the medical personnel, employees of the Emergencies Ministry, border, customs and other services should have "everything necessary for their work."

"And I am asking you to brief me regularly as the production volumes increase," the president instructed the minister.

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