Lavrov certain Cuban Missile Crisis will not be repeated due to events in Venezuela

Russian Politics & Diplomacy April 03, 2019, 17:29

If there is an attempted military intervention, the overwhelming majority of Latin American countries will be adamantly opposed to that, Russia’s top diplomat said

MOSCOW, April 3. /TASS/. The situation in Venezuela will not result in another Caribbean crisis in relations between Russia and the United States, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets daily posted on its website on Wednesday.

"I don’t think that the Caribbean crisis will be repeated now," he said. "Even those countries, which formed the so-called Lima Group and argue that the only way out of the Venezuelan crisis are snap elections preceded by President Nicolas Maduro’s resignation, became perplexed as soon as the US began saying that all options were on the table hinting at military intervention."

"I guarantee that, if there is an attempted military intervention, the overwhelming majority of Latin American countries will be adamantly opposed to that and reject that policy," Russia’s top diplomat added.

Venezuela must choose its development path on its own, Lavrov went on to say. "The fact that Nicolas Maduro agreed to hold talks with [opposition leader] Juan Guaido and his team in response to an appeal from Mexico, Uruguay and the Caribbean Community, and Guaido rejected the mediators’ appeal, speaks volumes," he stressed.

According to Lavrov, the United States does not want Venezuela to reach national consensus. "It wants its puppet who will do everything they [the Americans] will tell him, primarily regarding oil, to rule the country," he added.

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