PM Medvedev government’s achievements in 2012-2018

Russian Politics & Diplomacy May 07, 2018, 19:04

Starting from May 8, 2012, Dmitry Medvedev’s government approved 25,717 acts and orders

TASS-FACTBOX. The inauguration ceremony of the elected Russian president Vladimir Putin was held on May 7, 2018. The government of the Russian Federation, headed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, relinquishes its duties, in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation.

Orders and laws

Starting from May 8, 2012, Dmitry Medvedev’s government accepted 25,717 acts and orders, 1,755 draft laws were introduced to the Russian State Duma: 1,542 were adopted and signed by the Russian President. As of April 2018, 270 government bills were at various stages of consideration in the State Duma (including those introduced by previous governments).

Economic indicators

During Dmitry Medvedev's time as Prime Minister, Russia's nominal GDP in rubles grew by 35% - from 68.164 trillion rubles ($1.08 trillion) in 2012 to 92.037 trillion rubles ($1.47 trillion) in 2017. At the same time, in dollars, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), GDP fell by 24% - from $2.017 trillion in 2012 to $1.527 trillion in 2017. In terms of total GDP volume in dollars Russia dropped from 9th to 12th place globally, and per capita (also in dollars) - rose from 53rd to 48th place.

In 2012-2017, all federal budgets in Russia were executed with a deficit. In 2012, revenues amounted to 12.856 trillion rubles ($205.03 bln), Expenses - 12.895 trillion rubles ($205.63 bln), deficit - 0.06% of GDP. According to preliminary data for 2017, revenues rose to 15.09 trillion rubles ($240.6 bln), and expenses - to 16.426 trillion rubles ($261.9 bln). The deficit reached 1.5%.

Inflation in Russia in 2017 fell to a record low of 2.5%.

In 2018, the budget revenues are planned at the level of 15.257 trillion rubles ($243.2 bln), expenses - 16.529 trillion rubles ($263.6 bln).

Investments in fixed assets in Russia increased by 27% - from 12.586 trillion rubles ($200.64 bln) in 2012 to 15.967 trillion rubles ($254.5 bln) in 2017.

According to the human development index, Russia rose from 55th place (0.788 points) in 2012 to 49th place (0.804 points) in 2016, moving from the category of "high level of development" to "very high level of development".

Social sphere

Russian population grew in that time period by 2.7% from 143 mln people in 2012 to 146.9 mln people in early 2018 (taking into account reunification of Crimea and Sevastopol with Russia, with their population of - 2.4 mln people). The birth rate per 1,000 people decreased from 13.3 in 2012 to 12.4 in 2017. Mortality of the economically active population also decreased by 15.8% from 5.75 to 4.84, and infant mortality - by 34.9% - from 8.6 to 5.6.

The unemployment rate has changed insignificantly. Thus, in May 2012 it was 5.8%, in April 2018 - 5%.

The average monthly assigned pensions grew by 47% - from 9,441 rubles ($150) in 2012 to 13,304 rubles ($212) in 2017.

From 2012 to 2017, the number of registered crimes decreased by 10.5% - from 2.3 mln to 2.59 mln.

May 2012 decrees

On May 7, 2012, the day of his third presidential inauguration, Putin signed 11 decrees outlining the 2020 objectives of the country’s social and economic development. The media named this package of documents "the May decrees." They covered the main issues related to the economic and social policy, healthcare, education, science, the construction of affordable housing, the improvement of the housing and communal services as well as of the state administrative system, and the development of the Russian Armed Forces.

The "May decrees" included a number of target socio-economic indicators, including the deadline for implementation in 2018-2020.

- At the end of 2017, life expectancy in Russia was 72.68 years (in 2012 - 70.5 years, target in 2018 - 74 years).

- Average nominal accrued wages in Russia, according as of February 2018, reached 40,443 rubles ($645) (in 2012 - 26,629 rubles ($424), an increase of 51.8%). However, real wages grew by only 5.4% in the most recent reporting year of 2016 compared to 2011, instead of the target 50%.

- Growth of labor productivity in 2015 compared with 2011 amounted to 4% (target in 2018 - 50%).

- Products of high technology and knowledge-based industries of GDP in 2017 reached 21.7% (target in 2018 - 30%).

- The number of high-performance jobs in 2017 was 17.6 mln with a target of 25 mln by 2020.

- The level of modern weapons and equipment in the Russian army in 2017, according to Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu, reached 59%, which is 3.6-fold higher than in 2012 (at that time the indicator was 16%). In total in 2012-2017, troops received more than 58,000 units and various complexes.

- The share of Russian scientific publications in international scientific journals increased from 2.08% in 2010 to 2.45% in 2016, exceeding the planned figure of 2.44%.

- Russia occupied 35th place in the World Bank's business rating published in October 2017 (in 2012 - 120th, target in 2018 - 20th).

During a press conference on December 14, 2017, President Vladimir Putin said he believed that the "May decrees" were carried out adequately.

Large infrastructure projects

Over 5,700 kindergartens, 136 large healthcare facilities, more than 400 schools, 26,000 km of federal roads (52.5% of the total length) were repaired or reconstructed.

In 2012-2018, large infrastructure facilities were introduced or completed - Vostochny Cosmodrome, Kerch Strait Bridge, stadiums for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The Sochi 2014 Olympics, other large international sports tournaments were held - such as the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup, the 2016 IIHF World Championship.

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