US replies with old cliches to charges of involvement in Sevastopol terror attack — MFA

Emergencies June 27, 14:48

Sergey Ryabkov pointed out that similar rhetoric "has been heard from all platforms in the West for a long time, but in essence it does not change anything about what is happening," while "the puppets in Kiev feel their own impunity and continue to be condoned by the United States and other NATO countries"

MOSCOW, June 27. /TASS/. The US ambassador to Moscow Lynne Tracy, summoned earlier to the Russian Foreign Ministry, confined herself to hackneyed cliches in response to Russia's specific accusations of Washington's involvement in the terrorist attack in Sevastopol, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov on the 60 Minutes program on the Rossiya-1 TV channel.

"Regrettably, from the American side, in response to our logical explanations and our specific information, which testifies to the direct involvement of the United States in preparing and carrying out that terrorist act on peaceful Russian civilians in Crimea, in Sevastopol, despite all this the same old hackneyed and overused arguments, which, in my opinion, belong in the dustbin, were repeated again: the United States sees nothing that might point to its own involvement, that its policy is the same as before, and that Kiev has the right to self-defense and so on," Ryabkov said.

He pointed out that similar rhetoric "has been heard from all platforms in the West for a long time, but in essence it does not change anything about what is happening," while "the puppets in Kiev feel their own impunity and continue to be condoned by the United States and other NATO countries."

"The firmness of our demarches is increasing. They hear this, too," Ryabkov continued. "I hope that at least in some corners of the US deep state, at least in the most remote and quiet offices, there are still some people capable of explaining to their leadership that this is extremely serious and, by and large, very dangerous for the US itself."

On June 23, Ukraine attacked Sevastopol's civilian infrastructure with US ATACMS tactical missiles with cluster warheads. Four missiles were shot down while the fifth exploded over the city. According to Sevastopol Governor Mikhail Razvozhayev, the attack killed four people, including two children. More than 150 people were injured. The Investigative Committee has launched criminal proceedings over a terrorist attack.

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