Two Crimean residents killed by Ukrainian missile attack — regional head

Emergencies May 24, 4:07

An unspecified commercial facility near the city of Alushta was also hit, but it was empty at the time of the attack

SIMFEROPOL, May 24. /TASS/. Two civilians were killed in Ukraine’s missile attack on Crimea’s Simferopol district, regional head Sergey Aksyonov worte on Telegram.

"As a result of the enemy’s missile attack on the peninsula’s territory, two passers-by were killed in the Simferopol district," he wrote. "I express my sincere condolences to their families and friends."

An unspecified commercial facility near the city of Alushta was also hit, but it was empty at the time of the attack.

"I call upon everyone to stay calm and rely only on official information," Aksyonov added.

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