Russian watchdog freezes hundreds of thousands of dollars in terror funds since early 2021

Emergencies May 21, 2021, 16:22

Earlier, Deputy Director of the Russian Financial Monitoring AgencyHerman Neglyad told TASS that the agency records the facts of terrorist financing using cryptocurrencies

MOSCOW, May 21. / TASS /. Since the beginning of this year, the Russian Financial Monitoring Agency has thwarted a number of attempts to bankroll terrorist activities and froze funds to the tune of over 20 mln rubles ($271,000), said the head of the agency Yuri Chikhanchin during a conference organized by the Association of Russian Banks on Friday.

"Cooperating with credit institutions in the sphere of fighting terrorism funding is another area that requires increased attention. From the beginning of 2021 alone, measures have been taken to freeze funds in the amount of more than 20 mln rubles, which made it possible to foil the activities of those who orchestrated financing schemes for the ISIS international terrorist organization in a number of entities. Thus, we saved our citizens’ lives," Chikhanchin stated.

Earlier, Deputy Director of the Russian Financial Monitoring AgencyHerman Neglyad told TASS that the agency records the facts of terrorist financing using cryptocurrencies. At the same time, according to Neglyad, most often attackers use cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Monero.

In February, the director of Rosfinmonitoring, Yuri Chikhanchin, reported to the Russian President Vladimir Putin that the service in 2020 identified more than 2,300 individuals and 1,000 legal entities suspected of financing terrorism. The assets of more than 1,200 people were frozen, and the entry into the country was closed to 20 foreigners, and more than 250 terrorism cases were initiated.

By the decision of the Russian Supreme Court dated December 29, 2014, the Islamic State (until 2014 - the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, ISIS) was recognized as a terrorist organization. Its activities are banned in Russia.

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