LinkedIn may be blocked in Russia next week — watchdog

Business & Economy November 10, 2016, 18:31

On November 10, the Moscow City Court rejected the appeal of LinkedIn against its blocking in Russia

MOSCOW, November 10. /TASS/. Russia’s telecom and IT watchdog Roskomnadzor may block LinkedIn, the world's largest professional network LinkedIn, in the beginning of the next week already, the regulator’s spokesman, Vadim Ampelonsky, told TASS on Thursday.

"The network will be put on the list of banned websites and blocked on Monday or Tuesday," Ampelonsky said.

Earlier on Thursday the Moscow City Court rejected the appeal of LinkedIn against its blocking in Russia.

The lower Tagansky district court earlier ruled to fulfill Roskomnadzor’s demand to ban LinkedIn for violating the law on personal data localization.

According to the company’s lawyer, LinkedIn Ireland, not the US-based LinkedIn Corporation, is responsible for processing data of users residing outside the United States.

"Roskomnadzor has presented no evidence that the US-based LinkedIn Corporation is the defender in the case and is responsible for processing personal data of Russian users," the lawyer said.

She also said the network does not work in Russia and does not identify users by their residence.

However, a Roskomnadzor representative insisted that LinkedIn Corporation as the domain name administrator was responsible for all information and services offered by the social media network.

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