Belarus has one day to solve customs control problems on Russian border — official
There is no customs control from the Russian side

MOSCOW, November 9 /TASS/. The authorities in Minsk have 24 hours left to regulate all problems related to customs control on the Russia-Belarus border, Russian First Vice-Premier Igor Shuvalov said on Monday.
“They (the Belarusian side) are supposed to solve all issues related to joint regulation of customs control procedures. They are supposed to report tomorrow. Wednesday is the deadline,” Shuvalov went on to say.
The Russian Federal Customs Service reported the day before that Belarus had resumed customs control at the border with Russia.
“The Russian Federal Customs Service confirms that Belarusian customs officers have resumed their work on the border with Russia. There is no customs control from our side,” Yelena Grach, the Federal Customs Service spokesperson, told TASS. She also said that truck transport had difficulties in crossing the Russian-Belarusian border.
Russia and Belarus gave up customs border control of automobile transport in April 2011 after an agreement on creation of the Customs Union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan had taken effect. Under the document, all vehicles crossing into the territory of the Customs Union were supposed to go through the customs at the Union’s external borders.
A Eurasian Customs Union providing for a higher level of economic integration in the territories of the Customs Union states is to be created on the basis of the Customs Union on January 1, 2015.
Late last week, Belarusian Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich said that the Belarusian government would take measures to protect the country’s population and national producers from growing re-import of goods from Russia.
The Russian agricultural watchdog, Rosselkhoznadzor, has, in turn, lodged a number of claims to the quality of Belarusian agricultural products delivered to Russia and has started limiting Belarusian agricultural imports steadily.