Minsk and Moscow continue negotiations on Russian gas supplies after 2025

Business & Economy October 10, 15:13

Viktor Karankevich believes that "the work on the unified gas market of the union state can be synchronized in the future with the work on the common gas market of the Eurasian Economic Union"

ST. PETERSBURG, October 10. /TASS/. Belarus and Russia are continuing negotiations on the terms of Russian gas supplies to the country after 2025, Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Viktor Karankevich at the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum.

"Taking into account future plans to deepen the Belarusian-Russian integration, the negotiation process continues both on the creation of the model of the unified gas market itself and on the price conditions for gas supplies to Belarus for future periods. The main goal is to further converge conditions, equalize economic conditions for the subjects of both countries," he said.

According to him, "these are really complex issues, but each side has a mutual understanding and interest in finding mutually acceptable solutions." "We are moving in this direction," Karankevich noted. He recalled that "taking into account the agreements at the level of heads of state, the price conditions for the supply of Russian natural gas to Belarus for the period 2023-2025 have been determined."

Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus believes that "the work on the unified gas market of the union state can be synchronized in the future with the work on the common gas market of the Eurasian Economic Union."

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