Politicizing applies not only to Russia — director

Business & Economy July 22, 16:28

"Another manifestation of politicizing is the refusal of European directorates to support projects in African nations pursuing the policy being independent from the ex-metropolitan countries," Executive Director of the World Bank representing Russia Roman Marshavin noted

WASHINGTON, July 22. /TASS/. Russia is not the only country exposed to politicizing in the World Bank, Executive Director of the World Bank representing Russia Roman Marshavin told TASS.

"In actual fact, politicizing did not affect only us. A rather provocative line is also pursued in respect of China. Further to borrowing restrictions down the World Bank line (a non-public annual limit slightly above $1 bln is set for China as demanded by the Americans), unfounded accusations of using forced labor when producing solar panels are inserted in texts of documents. Chinese nationals are rarely appointed to executive positions in World Bank institutions, compared, for example, with Japanese and Europeans," the director said.

"Another manifestation of politicizing is the refusal of European directorates to support projects in African nations pursuing the policy being independent from the ex-metropolitan countries," Marshavin noted. "Besides, if moral norms in a country differs from Western ones, representatives of developed countries can also speak against. For example, after approval of legislation countries nontraditional values in Uganda, pressure was exerted on the management for the purpose of completely halt World Bank Group work in this country. Despite a popular slogan of ‘Client in the driver’s seat’ in the bank, countries are denied the right to choose their own way and priorities if they differ from Western perceptions. That’s a crooked mirror of the modern democracy," the official added.

"Aid to Palestine is one more issue predictably fueling political disputes. The bank for many years annually allocated about $80 mln from its net profits to help Palestinian territories but it is evident now that this is not enough anymore. Representatives of Middle East and African countries often point to amounts provided by donors to Ukraine and aid to Palestine and these figures are self-evident. One more clear demonstration of double standards of the West turned out," Marshavin said.

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