Arctic Floating University expedition wraps up work on Mabel Island

Business & Economy July 04, 10:02

Ornithologists counted birds at rookeries on the Mabel Island, circled five murres, and conducted observations along the route outside the rookeries

FRANZ JOSEF LAND, July 4. /TASS/. The Arctic Floating University expedition wrapped up work on the Mabel Island, Franz Josef Land, a TASS correspondent reported from aboard the Professor Molchanov research vessel.

The expedition team went ashore at night, when the wind calmed down a little. Nevertheless, it remained strong enough to complicate the landing process and further work.

"All the groups have completed the planned work. The weather was changing all the time, and not always to our benefit. Sharp gusts of wind gave way to a relative calm, from time to time strong waves were rolling onto the shore, and this situation required assistance and active involvement of the crew and expedition members to keep the boats off the shore, to keep them fixed so that we could load cargo and to allow people sit down," the expedition's leader Alexander Saburov told TASS.

Ornithologists counted birds at rookeries on the Mabel Island, circled five murres, and conducted observations along the route outside the rookeries. Soil experts made a large soil section, took samples for contamination and microbiota.

It was for the first time that marine litter was accounted on the island. "We hope to add to the understanding of how marine litter accumulates in this part of the Barents Sea," the expedition leader said.

Meteorologists researched a long-term snowfield, carried out a snow-measuring survey, which, among other things, may show the climate change dynamics in the region.

The Professor Molchanov headed for the Northbrook Island. The decision was the vessel would sail from the Mabel and the Bell to Cape Flora, as the east wind had been bringing ice towards the Bell Island thus hindering the use of boats for scientists going ashore. The vessel has crossed an ice field. The current wind speed is 5 m/s.

Arctic Floating University - 2024

On June 25, the Arctic Floating University departed from Arkhangelsk to conduct research in the White and Barents Seas, on the Kolguev Island, on islands of Novaya Zemlya and Franz Josef Land.

The project's partners and sponsors are the Arkhangelsk Region's government, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Russian Geographical Society, VTB Bank, Norilsk Nickel, Roshydromet (the hydrometeorology service), the Russian Arctic National Park, the Floating University Coordination Center at MIPT (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; also known as PhysTech), the Nauka (Science) year-round youth educational center.

The Arctic Floating University's expeditions continue under the Science and Universities national project, implemented by Russia's Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

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