Russia Services PMI Business Activity index declines to 47.6 points in June — research

Business & Economy July 03, 9:52

The corresponding seasonally adjusted index was at its lowest level since January 2023, the study noted

MOSCOW, July 3 5. /TASS/. The seasonally adjusted S&P Global Russia Services PMI Business Activity Index registered 47.6 in June, down from 49.8 in May, S&P Global said in its research.

"The fall in activity quickened to a modest pace that was the steepest since December 2022," the statement says.

Market participants attributed the drop in production volumes to lower demand indicators and a slight change in the number of new orders per month. Some enterprises also noted a decrease in the number of clients.

The corresponding seasonally adjusted index was at its lowest level since January 2023, the study noted.

The index value above 50 points evidences an increase in the business activity and the value below such level means it is slowing down.

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