Russia to increase exports of pork to more than 310,000 tons in 2024 — ministry

Business & Economy May 23, 21:34

"In particular it is necessary to build up supplies of pork, offal and live pigs - to a level of more than 310,000 tons, meat and poultry by-products - over 400,000 tons," the ministry reported

MOSCOW, May 23. /TASS/. By the end of 2024, Russia should increase export supplies of pork and by-products to more than 310,000 tons, supplies of meat and poultry by-products should exceed 400,000 tons, the Agriculture Ministry reported.

"By 2030, exports of agricultural products must be increased by at least one and a half times the level of 2021. At current prices, the volume should be $55.2 billion. A significant increase must be achieved already this year. In particular it is necessary to build up supplies of pork, offal and live pigs - to a level of more than 310,000 tons, meat and poultry by-products - over 400,000 tons," the ministry reported following a meeting of Agriculture Minister Oksana Lut with with producers and industry unions.

In January, the Agriculture Ministry reported that 255,200 tons of pig products were exported in 2023. At the same time, as indicated in the presentation presented by the head of the Russian agriculture watchdog Sergey Dankvert at the final board of the department at the end of March 2024, the export of meat and poultry by-products at the end of 2023 amounted to 309,000 tons.

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