Russia, republic of Congo intend to build up economic cooperation — MFA

Business & Economy May 23, 19:06

The officials also confirmed the focus of Moscow and Brazzaville on deepening political dialogue and strengthening interaction at the UN and other international platforms

MOSCOW, May 23. /TASS/. Russia and the republic of Congo intend to build up their partnership in the trade, economic, investment, and humanitarian spheres, Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement following a meeting between the special representative of the Russian President for the Middle East and Africa, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov and the Ambassador of the Republic of the Congo in Moscow David Maduka.

"During the conversation, the officials thoroughly discussed the tasks of further building up Russian-Congolese mutually beneficial cooperation in trade, economic, investment, humanitarian and other spheres," the ministry said.

The officials also confirmed the focus of Moscow and Brazzaville on deepening political dialogue and strengthening interaction at the UN and other international platforms.

The meeting took place at the request of the Ambassador of the Republic of the Congo.

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