Deepfake attacks to continue unabated for now, says cyberexpert

Business & Economy May 23, 17:52

Accoridng to Vladimir Dryukov, such attacks are quite costly for fraudsters, as it is still difficult to automate them

NIZHNY NOVGOROD, May 23. /TASS/. The steady flow of deepfake attacks via Telegram and other websites will continue unabated for now, a representative of the Solar group of companies, head of the center to counter cyberattacks Solar JSOC Vladimir Dryukov told TASS, adding that at this time, there is no effective defense against them.

"At the moment, unfortunately, it is hardly possible to reasonably counter deepfakes. <…> I don’t think that this trend will end any time soon," he said, adding however that such attacks are quite costly for fraudsters, as it is still difficult to automate them.

That is why attacks using deepfakes are expected to continue "in a sluggish regime," targeting famous and high-status people.

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