Trade between Japan and Russia down 16.22% year-on-year in April to $547.6 mln

Business & Economy May 22, 13:39

Despite sanctions restrictions, exports of Japanese passenger cars to Russia decreased by only 0.8%

TOKYO, May 22. /TASS/. Trade between Japan and Russia decreased by 16.22% year-on-year in April and amounted to 85.56 billion yen (about $547.6 million), according to TASS calculations based on statistical data published by the Japanese Finance Ministry.

The main segments in trade turnover are Japanese cars (24.52% of trade turnover) and Russian energy resources (35.03%).

Despite sanctions restrictions, exports of Japanese passenger cars to Russia decreased by only 0.8%. At the same time, supplies of spare parts increased by 15.6%, and supplies of motorcycles grew by 44.1%. Purchases of Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG) and coal fell by 18.5% and 71.8%, respectively.

Russian food products accounted for 13.41% of the bilateral trade turnover. Japan increased purchases of Russian fish and fish products by 9.7% in April. In value terms, they account for 98.2% of all food products. Purchases of vegetables soared by 100%, and purchases of grains plummeted by 99.1%.

Imports of Russian iron and steel products (2.14% of trade turnover) increased by 3.8%, and non-ferrous metals (6.89%) fell by 74.3%. Exports of medical devices to Russia (1.59%) increased by 2.4%.

Supplies of the following products to Russia have significantly decreased: plastic materials (by 95.8%), rubber (by 52.3%), paper (by 65.5%), generators (by 3.4%), and computers (by 85.7%). However, these five categories account for only about 0.83% of trade between Japan and Russia. Supply volumes of computer parts skyrocketed by 5,000%, to 1 ton, but in value terms they account for less than 0.01% of turnover.

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