Inflation in Russia up "a little bit" but everything is controlled — Putin

Business & Economy January 01, 19:46

At the same time, Russian President drew attention to growth in processing industries

MOSCOW, January 1. /TASS/. The situation with inflation and rising prices in Russia is under control, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with military personnel at the Vishnevsky hospital.

"Our inflation has risen a little bit. Prices have gone up somewhat. But everything is under control," Putin said.

At the same time, he drew attention to growth in processing industries.

"We have never had such a thing. We used to complain with sadness all the time that the main revenues are from oil and gas. For the first time in many years, the growth of processing industries in our economy’s structure by far exceeds the growth of revenues from oil and gas. The revenues from oil and gas, I think, grew by 3%, and while the processing industry much higher. This never happened before," Putin said.

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