Supplies of Russian pork to China will start in next two months — Russian ag regulator

Business & Economy December 27, 2023, 16:16

Sergey Dankvert also noted that the technical work has now been completed

MOSCOW, December 27. /TASS/. Supplies of Russian pork to China will start in the next two months, head of the Russian agricultural regulator (Rosselkhoznadzor) Sergey Dankvert said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 TV channel.

"The enterprises will soon be certified and deliveries will begin. I think this will happen in the next two months," Dankvert said.

Dankvert also noted that the technical work has now been completed.

"Traditionally, China consumes many parts of pork, those that we do not actively use in our country. For example, pork legs, stomachs, ears, tails, many parts that are not entirely understandable to the population here, but are a delicacy there. Considering that since 2008, China has closed us because of the African plague, we spent so much time - 15 years - opening the Chinese market for Russian pork," the head of the regulator said.


About pork supplies


In September, the Russian agricultural watchdog reported that the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China allowed the supply of pork from Russia. The decision was made based on the results of a risk assessment and analysis of the state control system for African swine fever in Russia.

In December, representatives of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China came to Russia to get familiar with the veterinary supervision system and the activities of the agricultural watchdog’s research institutes. They visited pig farms and inspected Russian pork producers.

As the department reported in mid-December, the final step towards opening the Chinese market for Russian pork supplies will be the approval of the appropriate veterinary certificate and certification of Russian enterprises.

On December 19, Russia and China signed a protocol on inspection, quarantine and veterinary and sanitary requirements for pork supplied to the Chinese market. Later, the agricultural watchdog reported that supplies of Russian pork to China could begin a month after the signing of the corresponding protocol.

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