Valid and essential drugs prices up 3.8% in 11M 2023

Business & Economy December 08, 2023, 22:55

Roszdravnadzor noted that the average monthly price increase (0.4%) is also significantly lower than monthly inflation

MOSCOW, December 8. /TASS/. Retail prices for valid and essential drugs (VED) gained 3.8% within eleven months of this year, the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare told TASS.

"According to VED price monitoring data in pharmacies and medical institutions, the VED retail price level in the outpatient segment moved up by 3.8% within eleven months of 2023, which is lower than the inflation level. The average increase in prices over the month (0.4%) is also significantly lower than monthly inflation," the regulator said.

The system of state registration of drugs prices "showed its efficiency of providing for control over the price level and maintenance of actual drugs availability in the market," the watchdog added.

According to statistics, pharmaceuticals outside the VED list had the price increase by 0.9% month on month in November 2023.

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