Poland ready to ensure transit of Ukrainian grain to poorest countries – President Duda

Business & Economy September 24, 2023, 17:37

Andrzej Duda noted that the government’s decision to maintain the ban on the sale of Ukrainian grain on the domestic market is correct

MOSCOW, September 24. /TASS/. Warsaw is ready to ensure the transit of Ukrainian grain via Poland’s territory to be further dispatched to the poorest countries in Africa and Asia, Polish President Andrzej Duda said on Sunday.

"I think that the Polish government’s decision to keep in place the ban on sales of Ukrainian grain on the Polish market is right. On the other hand, I am absolutely convinced that it is necessary to do everything possible to maximally increase transit," he said in an interview with the TVP television channel.

According to the Polish president, special transit corridors have been established to transport Ukrainian grain across the country’s territory to be exported "where it is really needed."

On September 15, the European Commission extended the embargo on supplies of grain and other agricultural products from Ukraine and demanded that Kiev provide a plan for preventing market distortions in EU countries by September 18. After that, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia imposed a ban on imports of Ukrainian grain. Ukraine filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) and launched a probe into unfriendly actions by the three countries.

Warsaw and Kiev have been exchanging accusation linked with the export of agricultural products since July. Ukraine slammed Warsaw’s initiative to extend the ban as an unfriendly and populist step toward Kiev. The Polish authorities noted that such statements has entailed strains in bilateral relations and said that Kiev should be more grateful. Ukrainian presidential office adviser Mikhail Podolyak admitted that as long as hostilities continue Kiev will consider Warsaw as a close friend but when the conflict is over Poland will be a rival for Ukraine, which will defend its interests.

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