Mosenergo 1H generation rises by 0.5% to 32.18 bln kWh

Business & Economy July 20, 2023, 20:46

Mosenergo operates 15 power plants with an installed electric capacity of 12,500 MW

MOSCOW, July 20. /TASS/. In the first half of 2023, Mosenergo generating company (part of Gazprom Energoholding) increased electricity production by 0.5% to 32.18 bln kWh, the company said on Thursday.

At the same time, heat supply decreased by 6.5% compared to the same period last year and reached 45.12 mln Gcal. The high outdoor temperature in April-May, as well as the shortening of the heating period, had the biggest impact on the dynamics of this indicator.

Mosenergo operates 15 power plants with an installed electric capacity of 12,500 MW. The company's installed thermal capacity reaches 43,700 Gcal/h. Mosenergo's power plants supply more than 50% of the electricity consumed in the Moscow region and provide about 90% of Moscow's needs in heat energy. Gazprom Energoholding is the controlling shareholder and managing organization of Mosenergo.

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