Russian GDP growth totals 0.6% in 5M 2023, 5.4% in May year-on-year — PM

Business & Economy July 05, 2023, 3:32

Speaking about potential annual figures, PM noted that "making forecasts is a thankless task"

MOSCOW, July 5. /TASS/. Russia’s economy is stably recovering, with GDP growth having reached 0.6% in the first five months of this year, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin.

"The country’s economy keeps stably, I would say, recovering despite sanctions <…> Russia’s GDP growth totaled 0.6% in the [first] five months, and what is very important, 5.4% in May year-on-year," he said.

Speaking about potential annual figures, PM noted that "making forecasts is a thankless task." "However, when preparing for the meeting I thought about the outlook for the year. We are now confident that growth is going to be higher than 2% for the year unless there are force-majeure circumstances," he said.

The present situation in the Russian economy is better than projected earlier, which holds the promise of fulfillment of all tasks charted, Putin said.

Commenting on Mishustin’s words that all social obligations to citizens will be met in the future, Putin stressed: "It is very important." "But equally important is the fact that the results we have <…> are better than expected earlier, better than forecasts. This holds the promise of fulfillment of all tasks <…> at least within a year," he added.

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