Government may transfer Toyota plant in Russia to Almaz-Antey by end of 2023 — Deputy PM

Business & Economy May 15, 2023, 23:13

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov said that "now the site is assigned to the "daughter" of NAMI"

MOSCOW, May 15. /TASS/. The former Toyota plant in St. Petersburg, which was transferred to the state as represented by FSUE NAMI, a state research center under the Industry and Trade Ministry, may come under the control of the Almaz-Antey Group by the end of 2023, Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov said in an interview with TASS.

"Now the site is assigned to a "subsidiary" of NAMI. As the exact situation with Almaz-Antey becomes clear, a corporate decision will be made to transfer this site to the Group," Manturov said.

When asked if it is planned to transfer the plant to the Group this year he replied: "Yes, by the end of this year."

The Deputy Prime Minister explained that there are several options for loading the site's capacities. In particular, it implies the production of E-Neva's own electric vehicles. According to Manturov, its launch is planned in late 2025 - early 2026. In addition, "cooperation with other industrial partners is being considered, and not only in the production of electric vehicles."

Earlier, General Director of the Obukhov Plant (part of the Almaz-Antey Group) Mikhail Podvyaznikov told reporters that the Group was investing 35-37 billion rubles ($ 438-463 mln) in preparation for the production of trucks for civilian needs and electric vehicles at the former Toyota plant in St. Petersburg. Starting from 2026, it is planned to launch the production of E-Neva electric vehicles.

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