No emergencies registered on Northern Sea Route in 2022

Business & Economy May 12, 2023, 13:53

It is noted that Rosatom continues the work to build new icebreakers

MOSCOW, May 12. /TASS/. No emergency situations were registered on the Northern Sea Route (NSR) in 2022, Rosatom's Director of the Department for Northern Sea Route Project's Implementation Maxim Kulinko said.

"As you well know, in 2021, on the Northern Sea Route 24 vessels got stuck. There have been due solutions to adjust the management system, we've organized at Rosatom a federal state-run authority, Glavsevmorput. My report is: not a single emergency situation was registered on the Northern Sea Route in 2022," he told the Federation Council's meeting on development of the Far East, Arctic and Antarctic.

"Presently, we are working to deploy icebreakers in the eastern part [of the Northern Sea Route]," he continued. "We can see our task in providing icebreaker services to maximum vessels, to have icebreakers in areas with most complicated ice situations."

Rosatom continues the work to build new icebreakers, he added. By 2030, they will be at least 13. Additionally, a recent decision is to build another two icebreakers. "Here, we'd like to ask for your support. We are not asking for subsidies from the federal budget. What we would like to ask is to recommend long-term loans for building these two icebreakers. We wish those could be up to two percent per annum, so that in future we could more effectively use icebreakers for our major clients," he said addressing the Federation Council's chair of the Committee on Development of the Far East, Arctic and Antarctic Galina Karelova.

Rosatom and NSR

The Rosatom state-run corporation manages the federal project to develop the Northern Sea Route. Since 2018, the corporation operates the route and manages the navigation, infrastructures, hydrography and safety in the complicated Arctic conditions. The corporation supervises two federal projects - Development of the Northern Sea Route and Northern Sea Route - 2030.

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