Europe begins awakening to economic fallout from bankrolling Kiev — Lavrov

Business & Economy March 30, 2023, 21:58

It is noted that Europe is losing its competitive edge as a continent that has been forced to turn its back on inexpensive Russian gas

MOSCOW, March 30. /TASS/. European countries are beginning to understand the extent to which their economies are losing their competitive edge as a result of their financing of Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with Prensa Latina, a Cuban news agency.

"European countries see what is happening with their economies when they are forced not only to finance the war in Ukraine, but also to foot the bill for everyday life in that country because the Kiev regime is incapable of handling [its own fiscal affairs] and of accomplishing anything in that area. Europe is losing its competitive edge as a continent that has been forced to turn its back on inexpensive Russian gas; [it] is moving toward the brink of deindustrialization as European business decamps for the United States," Lavrov said.

"All of that will leave its mark. The reassessment of developments has begun, particularly in the minds of European politicians. If there are some politicians whose thinking is still inert in this regard, I am confident that the population of Europe will remind them and will do their best to ensure that a dose of reality penetrates their minds," the top diplomat added.

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