India, Russia, China should aim to create single currency — digital ruble, yuan or rupee

Business & Economy March 29, 2023, 14:34

A Russian-Indian business forum is being held in New Delhi on March 29-30 as part of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum's international events

NEW DELHI, March 29. /TASS/. India, Russia and China should form a new financial relationship with a new common currency, which could be a digital ruble, rupee or yuan, this is a top priority, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Babakov said on Wednesday.

"India, Russia, and China are the countries that now create a multipolar world that is backed by the majority of countries. Its creation should be based on establishing new financial ties based on a system that does not safeguard today's dollar and euro, but rather creates a new currency capable of serving our goals," he said.

According to him, the dollar and the euro are "investment currencies" that perform their function thanks to the rules written by the West. "These rules do not consider Russia, India, or China as equal partners," Babakov added.

"Our first goal is to write new rules in the financial sphere that will enable the use of an already common currency. It doesn't matter whether it's a digital ruble, a digital rupee, a digital yuan, or some other currency. But it is critical that this currency follow the laws of our respective nations," he added.

A Russian-Indian business forum is being held in New Delhi on March 29-30 as part of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum's international events. The meeting in New Delhi aims to improve Indian-Russian business relations and facilitate Russian companies entering the Indian market.

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