Wintershall Dea says shareholding value in Nord Stream AG reduced by 175 mln euros in Q3

Business & Economy October 25, 2022, 11:02

Wintershall Dea takes no operational decisions either as a shareholder of Nord Stream AG or as a financial investor of Nord Stream 2 AG

MOSCOW, October 25. /TASS/. Germany’s Wintershall Dea estimates the reduction of its shareholding value in Nord Stream AG (15.5%) at 175 million euros in the third quarter of 2022 due to damages of the gas pipeline and the suspension of supplies over the problems with turbines at the Portovaya compressor station, the company said in a report on Tuesday.

"Subsequent to the most recent events, Wintershall Dea prepared an updated weighted scenario analysis and reassessed its cost of equity assumptions for the Nord Stream 1 pipeline system, leading to a reduction of shareholding value in Nord Stream AG in the third quarter of 2022 by 175 million euros," the report said.

Wintershall Dea takes no operational decisions either as a shareholder of Nord Stream AG or as a financial investor of Nord Stream 2 AG, the company noted.

Production continued at planned levels throughout the third quarter at Wintershall Dea’s three, self-financed joint ventures in Russia, Achimgaz, Severneftegazprom and Achim Development, the German firm added.

Meanwhile, its subsidiary YRGM Trading has been affected by a decree (No. 1554) published by the Russian government in September, saying that from September on the gas sales prices of certain gas producing regions would be capped at the maximum price level set for the region in which the gas is resold, the company noted.

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