Scientists report 17 bird species next to Pechenganickel plant in Murmansk Region

Business & Economy October 13, 2022, 9:34

It is reported that during the expedition to territory of Nornickel's Kola Division, experts registered three species of birds on the region's Red Data Book

MOSCOW, October 13. /TASS/. An expedition, organized by the Russian Academy of Sciences' Siberian Branch during the studies of the nature's species diversity in the Murmansk Region found 17 bird species in the sanitary-protection zone of the Pechenganickel mining and metallurgical plant. During the expedition to territory of Nornickel's Kola Division, experts registered three species of birds on the region's Red Data Book, the scientists said in a report obtained by TASS.

"Route number 1 near the industrial site in town Zapolyarnyi (significant impact), length - 5 km. The total number of registered bird species - 17, which is 35% of the bird species near town Zapolyarnyi and town Nickel," the document reads.

For example, in addition to regular urban birds like gulls, ducks, pigeons, sparrows and crows, in the area of the plant's significant impact live sand martins (also known as bank swallow, collared sand martin, or common sand martin), meadow pipits, fieldfare, bluethroat, willow warble, Eurasian blue tit, common redstart and other birds. At the same time, at a reference site in the central part of the Pasvik Nature Reserve the researchers were able to count 15 bird species.

Besides, during the studies nor far from Monchegorsk - both in Severonickel's sanitary-protection zone and at the area's more distanced reference sites - the experts registered 44 bird species, stressing they have observed Eurasian blue tit and European pied flycatcher in a forest-and-park area in Monchegorsk.

The scientists conducted a separate study of birds, living in the central part of the Murmansk port, including the Kola Peninsula's banks. The route was 5.3 kilometers long. The report lists 12 bird species, including lesser black-backed gull (which is on the Russian Red Data Book), and fieldfare, redwing, great tit, European greenfinch, as well as birds, typical for cities.

Rare bird species

During studies in the area of the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Company's Kola Division, the scientists found three bird species, which are on the Murmansk Region's Red Data Book: whooper swan (common swan), lesser black-backed gull and golden eagle. Two of those species - whooper swan and golden eagle - are ranked the third (medium) rarity category. As for lesser black-backed gull, it was put on the Russian Federation's Red Data Book in 2021 as a declining species.

The expedition members registered two whooper swans outside the monitoring process. A golden eagle was registered near the Poroyarvi Lake. One lesser black-backed gull was seen at the Murmansk port in a group of European herring gulls, and another bird was seen inside the city.

Experts from the Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals (the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISEA SB RAS)) took 13 routes to register birds at 13 sites. All the routes were 70.7 kilometers long, where one route was about 5.4 km long. At all industrial sites in Monchegorsk, Nickel and Zapolyarnyi the bird studies were conducted in supposedly significant, medium and insignificant impact areas, as well as at reference sites.

The basic biodiversity survey continues the work, which the Norilsk Nickel Company (Nornickel) and the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Siberian Branch began in 2020. Since the Great Norilsk Expedition this work has extended into another three regions. The survey’s purpose is to identify Nornickel’s impact zones and to assess biodiversity in areas of Nornickel’s operations. The research results will be used in building out a corporate biodiversity management system and biodiversity monitoring and conservation programs.

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