Angola counts on food cooperation with Russia — MFA

Business & Economy July 12, 2022, 15:57

It was stressed that Russia plays an important role in the world as one of the largest food exporters

MOSCOW, July 12. /TASS/. Angola produces insufficient food for its population and is open to cooperation with Russia in this area, Carlos Sardinha, Director of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Angola, said on Tuesday. He was speaking during a video conference between Moscow and Lagos (Nigeria), dedicated to the global challenges to food security.

The diplomat stressed that Russia plays an important role in the world as one of the largest food exporters. "Our government would like to inform Russia and Russian entrepreneurs that we are open to investments, public and private partnerships," he said.

"Angola does not produce enough food to meet the needs of the market. <...> There are forecasts that from September Angola will face the shortage of grain, so we need to seriously increase production, and here, of course, we want to take advantage of the long years of partnership with the Russian Federation to cooperate in the field of food. We rest our hopes on Russian entrepreneurs who will see Angola as a strategic partner," Sardinha added.

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