Russia ready to export 50 mln tonnes of grain in next agricultural year — Putin

Business & Economy June 03, 2022, 21:45

In the current year Russia will export 37 mln tonnes of grain, the head of state pointed out

SOCHI, June 3. /TASS/. Russian grain exports can grow to 50 mln tonnes in the next agricultural year [from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 - TASS], President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with the Rossiya-1 TV Channel.

"We will export 37 mln [tonnes] in the current agricultural year - 2021-2022 - and I think we will increase exports to 50 mln tonnes in 2022-2023," the head of state said.

The President at the same time paid attention to exports from Ukraine. The West calls interruptions with Ukrainian grain exports as one of causes of the forthcoming food crisis. The potential export of Ukrainian wheat is estimated at 20 mln tonnes and even such figure "is of little significance" in the global food volume. Real capabilities of the country are even smaller, Putin noted. They amount to about 5-6 mln tonnes of wheat and about 7 mln tonnes of corn, according to different estimates. "We understand that this is not a huge quantity," the Russian leader said.

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