Hainan authorities pin hopes on Russian tourists

Business & Economy November 05, 2019, 21:00

Deputy mayor of Sanya Chen Tiejun believes that increasing the number of flights from Russia this year will help boost the tourist flow

SANYA, November 5. /TASS/. The administration of the resort city of Sanya on the Island of Hainan expects a significant increase in the number of Russian tourists in the very near future, offering them the most comfortable conditions and a wide range of services and entertainment, the deputy mayor of the city Chen Tiejun told TASS while welcoming a group of Russian journalists visiting the island as part of the Beautiful Hainan Through the Eyes of Russian Media press tour. The official emphasized that he sees no obstacles to achieving that goal. The main thing, according to Chen Tejun, is to increase the number of flights from Russia to Sanya.

Currently, there are 18 air routes connecting Sanya with Russia's cities, seven of those were launched only this year. By the end of the year, six more flights are expected to be launched. In January-September 2019, over 180,000 Russian tourists visited Sanya.

“Every year, more and more Russians choose our city for their vacation,” Sanya’s deputy mayor went on. “We have a lot to offer. First of all, it is the unique nature, the purest air and water, the warm South China Sea, Chinese medicine and actively developing agritourism. And what is important for the Russians — on Hainan it is summer almost all year round."

At the same time, the official said he was interested not only in attracting Russian tourists, but also in the development of bilateral cultural ties in general. Thus, for example, he proposes to open Russian cultural centers in Sanya.

“The culture in Russia is so rich and diverse that this [the opening of centers — TASS] would contribute to the development of our city and automatically improve its status,” Chen Tiejun said. “We would also be happy to organize sports competitions, for instance, water and beach sports involving Russians and Chinese." The city authorities of Sanya have experience in holding international events. In 2018, the Miss World beauty pageant was held in the city.

Environmental protection is a priority

There are no factories and industrial enterprises in Sanya, the locals are very proud of their city's eco-friendliness, the air here is surprisingly clean. One immediately feels it as soon as they get off the plane. As in many other Chinese cities, Sanya's streets are teeming with scooters, which are not noisy at all.

As it turned out, they are all electric — the city authorities, who are striving for clean air, have imposed a ban on the use of gas scooters in the center of Sanya. Moreover, gasoline is not cheap here - about 8 yuan per 1 liter of the 92nd (about 80 Russian rubles). As for the cars, starting from 2030 it will be simply impossible to buy a vehicle running on gasoline, so the Hainan authorities confirm their commitment to environmental protection by their actions.

Signs written in Russian

The hospitality with which Russians are welcomed here can be seen on many signs, including road signs, which contain inscriptions in Russian. This makes it easier to move around the city and its suburbs. However, it will not be possible to rent a car, as many of our compatriots do during their holidays in other countries, as a Chinese driver's license will be necessary for that. 

Russian  is heard everywhere in Sanya, and not only ordinary Russians come here for holidays. For instance, TASS correspondent noticed a very high-ranking Russian government official at Sanya's airport, who, judging by the luggage and family members, was not on an official visit in the country. 

Ringtone for a bamboo flute

The program of the press tour was compiled by its organizers with love. The Chinese indeed intended to show all the best, and so they did. Russian journalists visited the most beautiful national parks the End of the World and Celestial Grottoes, organized an excursion to the sea with visits to the most picturesque bays and small islands, showed the only volcanic rock beach on Hainan, drove along the coast with stops in local villages and national parks, demonstrated the rich cultural heritage of the island. A trip to the venue of the Asian Forum in Boao was another issue on the agenda. All of that, of course, was accompanied by a tasting of Hainan cuisine, which is based on seafood. 

Getting to know Sanya's cultural heritage was accompanied by surprises. The Chinese are known for their love of Russian music, so it was not at all surprising when, during a visit to the End of the World park, Russian journalists heard the sounds of a famous song — the Moscow Nights. A local musician Wang Gang performed that beloved song on a bamboo flute. He claimed that Sanya is the only place in China where the local Lee people have preserved this centuries-old technique of using the instrument.

“To be precise, the tradition of playing the nose flute, when a musician inhales air with his mouth and exhales it through a special hole in the instrument, originated here 3,000 years ago,” said Wang Gang. Following that, he suggested that the TASS correspondent try to perform the Moscow Nights himself or something of his own choice. The correspondent tried indeed, but failed.

Comrade Xi was here

The journalists also visited the Rice Plantation Park with the Rice Museum on its territory. A Hybrid Rice Growing Center is being planned to be created there. Not a single Chinese meal is complete without this crop. Rice for China is not just a traditional dish, it is life. Hainan's suitable tropical climate allows to harvest three times a year.

In April 2018, China's President Xi Jinping personally visited the plantation, where he met with a prominent specialist in the cultivation of hybrid rice, Yuan Lumpin, numerous photographs in the local museum serve as a proof. The 89-year-old Yuan Lumping, as locals say, helped solve the country's food problem during the time of need. As for Xi Jinping, who pays special attention to the development of the country's agriculture, is treated with great respect on the island. 

“Chairman Xi is not just respected here, he is loved here because he does everything for the common people,” one of the employees of the Rice Plantation Park told TASS.

In Russian or in Chinese

The Chinese friends from Sanya admitted that they really need qualified specialists during conversations, especially with knowledge of the Russian language, and that it is quite understandable. The dynamic development of relations between our countries, of which tourism is just a part, requires the removal of any language barriers. The Sanya authorities, aiming to transform the city from a purely tourist international zone into an international economic center with an emphasis on IT development, in turn, are interested in Russian experts with knowledge of Chinese.

The Chinese, it seems, are more keen and active in this matter. On the other hand, many Russians often use words in their daily lives, including with a pronounced Chinese sound, which help them communicate in almost any part of the world.

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