Russia taking measures in response to US involvement in strikes on Sevastopol — diplomat

Military & Defense June 27, 13:52

Commenting on the likelihood of the Russian side using tactical nuclear weapons in response to the shelling of Sevastopol, Sergey Ryabkov pointed out that "the Russian president, as the supreme commander-in-chief, makes such fateful decisions"

MOSCOW, June 27. /TASS/. Moscow is already taking retaliatory measures in connection with Washington's involvement in the strike on Sevastopol, the US side should feel the ultimate risks in this regard, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said.

"The tragedy that occurred in Sevastopol will certainly not remain and does not remain without our response. The nature of this response is a matter that I am not at all authorized to discuss. I think that the idea of certain permissible scenarios is also on the minds of many in the West. They should feel the extreme risks associated with such actions," the senior diplomat said during a Rossiya-1 TV broadcast.

Commenting on the likelihood of the Russian side using tactical nuclear weapons in response to the shelling of Sevastopol, Ryabkov pointed out that "the Russian president, as the supreme commander-in-chief, makes such fateful decisions." "The scenarios in which this is permissible are described in detail and precisely in the basic documents. Everything correlates with the current situation," the deputy foreign minister emphasized.

Terrorist attack on Sevastopol

On June 23, the Ukrainian army attacked civilian infrastructure in Sevastopol with ATACMS missiles armed with cluster munitions. Four missiles were shot down while one more missile exploded over the city. As a result, four people were killed, including two children, and more than 150 were injured. Russia’s Investigative Committee has opened a criminal probe into the terror attack. June 24 has been declared a Day of Mourning in Sevastopol and Crimea. Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed his condolences to Sevastopol residents.

The Russian Foreign Ministry pointed out that the United States, which is waging a hybrid war against Russia and has actually become a party to the conflict by "supplying the Ukrainian armed forces with the most advanced weapons, including ATACMS missiles with cluster warheads," bears as much responsibility as the Kiev regime for this atrocity, since the targeting and flight orders for these missiles were carried out by American military specialists.

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