Over 120 nations craft info-weapons to disrupt rivals, sow mass panic — Russian top brass

Military & Defense February 07, 13:48

Deputy Chief of the Russian General Staff Vadim Shamarin noted that the situation is aggravated by the fact that the cost of developing the weapons of information warfare is lower than that of other types of weapons

MOSCOW, February 7. /TASS/. More than 120 countries around the world have begun systematically creating informational weapons aimed at disrupting a rival country’s top leadership and army, as well as sowing panic among the population, Deputy Chief of the Russian General Staff Vadim Shamarin said.

"Seeking to achieve information superiority, over 120 countries of the world have begun to create weapons for information warfare capable of disrupting government and military leadership, as well as disorganizing and disorienting the general population, and sowing mass panic," the senior military official said, speaking at the 2024 Infoforum.

According to Shamarin, the situation is aggravated by the fact that the cost of developing the weapons of information warfare is lower than that of other types of weapons. "That is why our preoccupation with fully ensuring information security within the framework of implementing strategic tasks and carrying out promising information projects is quite understandable," he pointed out.

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