Russia can lead in drone development pace

Military & Defense November 22, 2023, 17:34

"There is nothing even close to us in the whole specter of technologies that we deal with," CEO of the National Technological Initiative Platform Dmitry Peskov stressed

MOSCOW, November 22. /TASS/. Russian specialists test new technologies of unmanned aerial vehicles faster than anyone in the world and the country has all chances to occupy the leading positions on the international market, special presidential representative for digital and technological development and CEO of the National Technological Initiative Platform Dmitry Peskov said.

"Our country enjoys a unique chance to become a leader and maybe even the global leader in the guideline (of drone development) also due to the special military operation, as we master new technologies faster than anyone in the world today. Everybody looks at us and repeats what we are doing," he told the round table on state support to technical creativity of the young in the sphere of drones held in the Federation Council.

"I do not see any other moment that coincides in time and space, any other national chance for unprecedented rapid development. There is nothing even close to us in the whole specter of technologies that we deal with," he said.

The inability to counter drones can make some countries disappear, he believes.

"In the coming years, some countries can disappear from the face of the earth simply because by their geography they are unable to counter any major drone attack. The UAV industry is revolutionizing rather than evolving. The set of technologies changes every several months," he said.

"Your authority spreads to the point, which your drone can reach. There is sovereignty where the drone can fly and it is different where it cannot. The new world is created like that and it concerns not only the frontline," Peskov said.

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