Russian, Chinese sailors jointly train to repel aerial attack in Sea of Japan — ministry

Military & Defense July 21, 2023, 7:31

"As part of an exercise to repel an aerial attack by a notional enemy, ships of the task force used anti-aircraft quick-firing weapons on a mock air target," the statement says

MOSCOW, July 21. /TASS/. As part of the ‘North / Interaction-2023’ military exercise, servicemen of Russia and China have practiced repelling an aerial attack and other maneuvers, the Russian Defense Ministry told reporters on Friday.

"During practical maneuvers, Russian and Chinese sailors improved their skills of moving in various formations and held communication drills. Next, Russian combat vessels practiced a naval engagement with a notional enemy’s warship, performing artillery fire on a surface target using AK-100 and A-190 naval cannons," the ministry said in a statement.

"As part of an exercise to repel an aerial attack by a notional enemy, ships of the task force used anti-aircraft quick-firing weapons on a mock air target," the statement says.

Subsequently, Russian and Chinese sailors used a machine gun mounted on Russia’s Admiral Tributs large anti-submarine ship to destroy a floating mine that posed a threat for maritime traffic. They also practiced repelling an attack of a high-speed small-size target.

The Russian Defense Ministry told reporters on Thursday that the joint Russian-Chinese naval drill ‘North / Interaction-2023’ is being held on July 20-23 in the Sea of Japan in accordance with the international military cooperation plan. The main purpose of the drill is to strengthen naval cooperation between Russia and China, with the overall goal of maintaining peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

According to the ministry, the Russian Navy will be represented during the drills by several vessels from the Pacific Fleet, including the ASW destroyers Admiral Tributs and Admiral Panteleyev, and the corvettes Aldar Tsydenzhapov and Gremychy, as well as auxiliary ships. The Russian detachment will be led by Rear Admiral Valery Kazakov, commander of the Pacific Fleet’s Primorsky Flotilla. The Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLA Navy) will be represented by the destroyers Qiqihar and Guiyang, the frigates Zaozhuang and Rizhao, and the supply ship Taihu. Rear Admiral Qiu Yanpeng, deputy commander of the North Sea Fleet, will command the PLA Navy vessels. A joint staff headquarters has been set up on board the destroyer Qiqihar.In addition, more than 30 naval aviation aircraft, including anti-submarine aircraft, helicopters and fighter interceptors will be involved in the drills.

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