Russian diplomat tells UN to take look at weapons supplies to Ukraine

Military & Defense June 16, 2023, 15:13

The Foreign Ministry pointed out that during the meeting, the sides discussed a number of issues on the international agenda, "paying special attention to the situation in Syria, Libya, Sudan, Afghanistan, Haiti, Colombia and around the Korean Peninsula, as well as problems regarding the Middle East settlement"

MOSCOW, 16 June. /TASS/. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin during consultations with UN Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo called on the organization to make a fundamental assessment of how Ukraine is being pumped full of Western weapons, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

"There was a detailed exchange of views on the situation in and around Ukraine. We pointed to the need for the UN leadership to make a principled assessment of the criminal actions of the Ukrainian authorities, the dangerous pumping of the Kiev regime with weapons by Western countries, led by the US, which poses a serious threat to regional and global security," the ministry said in a statement released on Friday on the results of Thursday's consultations.

The Foreign Ministry pointed out that during the meeting, the sides discussed a number of issues on the international agenda, "paying special attention to the situation in Syria, Libya, Sudan, Afghanistan, Haiti, Colombia and around the Korean Peninsula, as well as problems regarding the Middle East settlement." "Sergey Vershinin noted the important role that the UN is called upon to play in developing long-term solutions to the acute conflicts of the day based on adherence to international law, the goals and principles of the UN Charter, including the sovereign equality of states and non-interference in their domestic affairs," the Russian Foreign Ministry added.

The diplomats also drew attention to the fact that during the discussion of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' report titled ‘Our Common Agenda,’ Vershinin "emphasized the inadmissibility of diluting the intergovernmental character of the global organization, which is enshrined in the UN Charter, as well as the task of achieving the broadest possible consensus among members of the world community on the ideas enshrined in the report. "In addition, the importance of adhering to the principle of equitable geographical representation in the appointment of senior officials of the UN Secretariat, as enshrined in Article 101 of the UN Charter, was emphasized," the ministry concluded.

The consultations took place in Moscow.

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