Situation at Kakhovka HPP carries no direct threat to Zaporozhye nuke plant — official

Military & Defense June 08, 2023, 12:47

According to Renat Karchaa, currently, main discussions concern spray ponds involved in the cooling system of the Zaporozhye nuclear facility

MOSCOW, June 8. /TASS/. The destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) in the Kherson Region does not directly threaten nuclear security at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, Renat Karchaa, adviser to the CEO of Russian state nuclear power concern Rosenergoatom, said on Thursday.

"The situation [at the Kakhovka HPP] carries no direct threats to the nuclear safety of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant," he told Channel One.

According to Karchaa, currently, main discussions concern spray ponds involved in the cooling system of the Zaporozhye nuclear facility. "Yet I will say from the start that there are several ways, channels and opportunities to fill these spray ponds with water, <...> including the possibility of refilling them through an artesian well, there are channels bringing service water there, there is the Dnieper, after all," the official concluded.

Ukrainian forces shelled the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) in the early morning hours on June 6, which resulted in the collapse of the hydraulic sluice gate valves on the plant’s dam, triggering an uncontrolled discharge of water. Water levels in Novaya Kakhovka reached 12 meters but are now receding. The residents of nearby communities are being evacuated. The destruction of the power generation facility has seriously damaged the environment, washing away farmland along the Dnieper River and threatening water levels in the North Crimean Canal. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov stressed that the attack on the Kakhovka HPP was a premeditated act of sabotage. He added that the responsibility for its consequences fully lies with the Kiev regime.

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