The Pyotr Veliky cruiser to donate its name to nuclear submarine — source

Military & Defense April 20, 2023, 7:39

In 2024, the ceremony of laying down a nuclear submarine will be held at Sevmash

MOSCOW, April 19. /TASS/. The name of the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser The Pyotr Veliky will be given to a project 955A Borey-A class strategic nuclear-powered submarine after the cruiser is withdrawn from the Russian Navy, a naval source told TASS.

"After The Pyotr Veliky cruiser has been withdrawn from the Navy, the strategic nuclear submarine of the Borey-A project will inherit this name," source said.

A keel-laying ceremony for a nuclear-powered submarine to be named The Pyotr Veliky will held at Sevmash in 2024. The submarine will eventually become the flagship of the Northern Fleet's division of nuclear-powered submarines.

TASS has obtained no official confirmation of this yet.

A source told TASS earlier Sevmash would start building a new series of Project 955A nuclear-powered submarines after 2023. A total of six Borey subs are planned to be built for the Northern and Pacific Fleets. With the completion of this series the Navy will have 14 new strategic submarines: 11 Borey-A class subs and three Borey class ones.

Earlier, a source told TASS that The Pyotr Veliky missile cruiser may be withdrawn from the Russian Navy.

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