Kiev forces suffering losses trying to conduct offensives near Kremennaya — DPR official

Military & Defense February 03, 2023, 2:22

Igor Kimakovsky said that the enemy suffered significant losses in manpower and equipment

MOSCOW, February 3. /TASS/. The Ukrainian Armed Forces keep trying to conduct counterattacks near the city of Kremennaya in the Lugansk People’s Republic, suffering significant losses, Igor Kimakovsky, an advisor to the acting head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), said on Thursday.

"The enemy tried to carry out a counterattack in several groups yesterday because they prefer to advance in small groups. However, the enemy suffered significant losses in manpower and equipment," he told Channel One.

"Our fighters from an airborne assault regiment seized a checkpoint and captured several troops," Kimakovsky added. According to him, one of the captured troops he had seen was under the influence of drugs.

"In fact, people on the other side are afraid to go to war but their commanders force them to fight and drugs do, too," Kimakovsky noted.

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