Russian senator warns US on Patriot system supplies to Kiev

Military & Defense December 22, 2022, 15:38

Konstantin Kosachev recalled a vote in May when 57 House Republicans and Senate Republicans objected to the transfer of an assistance package to Ukraine

MOSCOW, December 22. /TASS/. Russia has the right to view the deliveries of Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine as a step toward a direct involvement by the United States in this conflict, a top Russian senator said on Thursday.

"In any case, no matter what the US president said about defensive weapon systems, we have the full right to view these supplies as another major step toward direct American involvement in this conflict. It’s better not to delve into where these steps will transform into caliber," Russian Federation Council Deputy Speaker Konstantin Kosachev wrote on Telegram.

According to him, arms deliveries topped the agenda of Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky’s latest visit to Washington. The senator believes US President Joe Biden needed Zelensky "in his profession as an actor to address the Congress." "The BBC was correct to note that the White House meeting was just a photo op in comparison with the task Zelensky was tackling while addressing congressional members - the people who control the purse with US military and economic aid in it," he said.

The Russian senator recalled a vote in May when 57 House Republicans and Senate Republicans objected to the transfer of an assistance package to Ukraine. The share of Republicans who agreed to send more aid to Ukraine was 80% in March and it shrank to more than a half by November. "Of course, we’ll see how much dry matter will be left after the visit becomes history and the fanfare fades away. The mere fact that Zelensky had been `summoned’ to Washington from the ‘frontlines" says a lot. Since they needed that show, things may not be running as smoothly as Washington and its lackey would wish to present it to the world," the legislator emphasized.

Kosachev questioned what he said was the West’s favorite formula for ‘giving as much further assistance as necessary’. "Who will need that? Washington? Or America’s military-industrial complex? Or the freezing European voters? Or Ukrainian mothers whose children have been dying for the West’s ambition to transform their country into something anti-Russian forever? The real answer to this question would not please Zelensky, or the Ukrainians," he concluded.

On Wednesday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed that Washington would provide Patriot systems to Ukraine.

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